Random musings on a humid Saturday evening

Because everyone needs to hear what I've been up to recently (yes, my story is an important aspect in the advancement of the human race), I am dedicating a post to ramble about random stuff the past week. Thoughts include the comforts of home, Friday night drinks, a recent training program, the initial preparations for 'The Big Trip', the wonders of streaming music, and the foray into TV-land. Next page, juicier details.

Last night, I traveled home to Bataan. Now, that may sound trivial but the significance of it lies on the timing. I went home to Bataan on a Friday nightsomething I haven't done IN YEARS. I avoided Friday buses because I felt they were more crowded than say, a weekend trip (real reason: Friday night beer sessions). Surprisingly, the trip was smooth and less populated than I thought. The best part though? Waking up at home on a lovely Saturday morning! Nothing beats that, I tell you.
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That didn't mean though that this version of Friday night lacked the presence of alcohol. The San Miguel Beermen had a televised game against the Rain Or Shine Elastopainters (oh boy, the PBA could sure use better team monickers) and that usually meant drinks on the house with the brother and the father! So, armed with a margarita mix and hotdogs that kids-can-tell, the three of us cheered Junemar Fajardo's monster game and jeered the usual suspects (Arwind, Kramer, Mercado, and Lutz) and cheered again as our team won. Good times.
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Flashback a week ago: Tomato Kick, the boys, and Friday night. Downed a couple of beers. The usual laughs over hilarious stories. Honestly felt it was eons ago since the group drank together. Post-drinking Magnum bars. And the birth of The Moral Fiber.
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This week featured the 3rd and 4th day of our project management training and while there may be times the lectures seem dragging, I can't deny the fact that I am learning new concepts and ideas. And while I've heard rumblings that the training doesn't really add much value, that's not the case for me though. Appreciate any form of learning (and this one's free!) I can get my hands on. Who knows where I can use such knowledge in the future, right?
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One of the more interesting part in the program (at least for me) is the introduction of MS Project. While I'd like to think I'm updated with current technology, my unfamiliarity with the software has led me to believe that times have caught up with me. It's no longer cool to be just prolific with Word, Excel, and Powerpoint.
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If you've read previous posts on this blog, you'll know that C and I are big fans of traveling. We've been to some really amazing sites all over the country -- the most recent one being our summer escapade to Camaya Coast which will get its own post by the way -- and each trip has been absolutely awesome. But we both know that there's still A LOT of places for us to explore especially if we go beyond the boundaries of our own land. Thus, #TheBigTrip was born.
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Excited would be an understatement for what the two of us have been feeling towards #TheBigTrip. While it's definitely pleasant to harbor that same sentiment from both sides, we do realize the humongous effort and planning involved to turn that passionate feeling inside into a reality. That said, we've taken our very first step towards that goal and that is, the creation of an initial itinerary. C has mapped out most of the routes, sights, and transportation details and I'm in charge on researching about food spots and organizing our thoughts on an Excel file. Guess it still IS cool to know Excel.
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I downloaded Spotify a few weeks ago and needless to say, I am in love with this app. The ability to search for specific playlists is a big win for me. The other day, I was craving for some face-melting Limp Bizkit music so I promptly went to the search page. A minute later, I was bobbing my head to "Break Stuff" while walking to the office. On yet another day, I browsed the various playlists under the Rock heading and found a gem titled "Pop-Punk Powerhouses". Hit the jackpot right there. Next week, I should be popping tunes off the Romance section. Yeah right.
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Music for the weak: Downloaded a copy of The Wonder Years' The Upsides (well cause I lost most of the files from my old laptop) and that bonus track "I Was Scared and I'm Sorry" still scores huge points on the emo-meter. Not that I can relate to the song's content though.
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Pop-culture time! Caught up on some my TV shows like Community (Season 5) and Parks and Rec (Season 6) though still behind by 3 episodes on Modern Family (Season 5)...Was quite disappointed that Community got canceled especially since I thoroughly enjoyed Season 5. Wouldn't have been the same though without Donald Glover and Chevy Chase... Got news of the cancellation on a music site (of all places!) but more interestingly, the comments section became a love-hate tirade about Community and The Big Bang Theory... Parks and Rec will have Season 7 as its last. *cries* Where will I get my Ron Swanson fix after that? *wails some more*... Modern Family got renewed so hooray for more Phil Dunphy awkwardness.
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Game of Thrones (Season 4) is as strong as ever and the last two episodes have been owned by Tyrion Lannister's Emmy-award winning speech, Prince Oberyn's chivalrous deed, Daario Naharis' butt, and Petyr Baelish's pushing abilities... Jack Bauer is back and this new edition of 24 (Season 9) brings the same kind of excitement from what I can remember back in its early days. A little disturbing though that the plot this season involves drones and I'm pretty sure I read something about that recently...Lastly, Erlich Bachman of Silicon Valley (Season 1) just officially joined my sacred list of fave TV characters. Love that show.
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Wow, that actually felt good. Maybe I should share stuff more often. Or maybe not. Until the next itch to write then. Adios. (Effects of that Casa De Mi Padre flick. Ugh.)

- The Moral Fiber.


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