Deux Overdue: The One-Year Marker

This is the second installment for the overdue posts and it focuses on the one-year marker with C. I didn't even realize that we've been together for more than 365 days already but I guess when you're happy, content, and indulging in really good food on a monthly basis, there's a tendency to ignore the calendar. Anyway, aside from the usual serving of tasty cuisine, we had quite a number of fun activities planned for the occasion. The lovely details, in the form of snapshots, are on the next page.

The weekend started with a visit to our dear alma mater, a ritual that we've tried to consistently adhere to on C's Manila trips. Enjoying our cool Twin Pops bought from the nearby UP Shopping Center was the ideal kick-off.

Trying our hardest to be cute while licking popsicles.    
A summer basketball league in our compound was on-going at the time (our team was battling for the championship) and C was able to relive her freshmen fan girl moments while I went on #StephCurryOffense mode (a record 9 three-pointers!), leading our team to the Game 1 victory. Here's our post-win celebratory pancakes for dinner because we don't care if we eat breakfast food at 10 in the evening.

And now I realize how much we ate that night! *burps* And how slim I was. Aguy!
The anniversary fell on a warm, bright Sunday and this was the perfect weather for our next activity. C discovered this cool place (Sip and Gogh) which lets customers experience and explore their artsy side through a two-hour painting session. Perfect! Fast forward to our masterpieces.

And yes, of course, I am the creator of the cheesy one.
As further proof that we created the artwork on our own (well, with some help from the staff), here's a shot of  C meticulously performing a finely detailed brush stroke.

Unparalleled intensity and concentration defines the true artist. #char
I think I did a pretty swell job replicating the sample painting!
Lunch was reliably provided by our go-to place along Esteban Abada for special events: Ninyo Fusion Cuisine. As expected, the food was exceptional as evidenced by our smiles.

We made sure we smiled before devouring the Japanese paella negra.
I mean, seriously, I don't think anyone can resist this gorgeous mix of flavors.
Capping off the day was a title win, a mythical five selection and a much delayed photograph of the fan girl and the snobbish guy.

Not so snobby anymore huh?
Part of the celebration of sorts also included a mall date! While we're not big fans of malls, we had a number of specific reasons to drop by SM Megamall. First one was to try out the infamous Michelin-starred pork buns of Tim Ho Wan. *drools*

I don't care about what reviews say but these buns are so damn good.
The other reason was to practice our balancing skills on the cold skating rink. I think we need a lot more training though to reach Evgeni Plushenko's level.

C looked scared but I was the one who struggled mightily!
There was one unfortunate event though that happened during C's stay and this involved the passing away of the much beloved Tobey. Know that you are being missed everyday, dear doggie.

Hello Tobeeeeey!
And of course, a post in this space would not be complete without everyone's favorite white, furry dude, Clancy. His pictures seriously produce more 'likes' than the both of us combined. Hmp. Leaving everyone with some of his greatest hits for the month of June 2014. :)

Having fun with my medal and our artwork.
Staring at his pork buns!
Reminiscing his days back in his homeland.
Insanely cute. Ugh.

* * * * * *

Sip and Gogh:


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