
It’s really hard to describe how good or bad a year has been given that there is so much variability that happens within 365 days. It’s like a collection of positives and negatives wherein if you get a net positive value in the end, then you say you’ve had a damn good year. Otherwise, meh.  In any case (and most especially for an optimist like me), I find it better to reminisce about the feel-good stories rather than sulk at the mishaps and misses. Welcome to my rainbow-colored view of 2014.
  • A relatively quiet family life. No health, financial, emotional problems. That is why I find it always a pleasure to make that 3 hour bus trip to Bataan. Nothing beats the comfort of home.
  • A promotion in my professional career. Something I didn’t really wish or ask for but thankful nevertheless for the opportunity, challenge and additional benefits (!) bestowed upon me.
  • A successful first year in my MBA program. Passed all my pre-MBA courses and honestly appreciated my Leadership class even though I got a grade lower than what I expected. Hah!
  • Forming a cohesive bond with two people at work. Whether it’s a random jog around the oval which halfway turned into a confession session or the midweek happy hour drinking at Borough or the occasional Vietnamese coffee breaks and the sinful hunt for glazed donuts, I wouldn’t have made it through the year without you crazy duo. Much appreciated.
  • The continuing adventures with C. Visited new places, tried out new activities, and tasted new delicacies – some of which have been documented on this blog. Looking forward to the next wave of adventures (though that may take quite a while).
  • Expansion of my social network. Mostly pertains to my AGSB classmates. It’s always nice to meet and get to know people who share the same interests and life experiences as yours. I am not the only late-20s-unmarried-stuck-in-my-corporate-career-with-no-clear-direction-and-no added-value-to-society individual. Exhale.
  • A whole lot of drinking and getting drunk. From the boys’ new favourite spot along Kalayaan Ave. (Qubiertos!) to the epic Christmas KTV party with MBA friends to the impulsive Tomato Kick drinks with former Manila Water colleagues to the amnesia-filled year ender at Poracay Resort with the relatives, alcohol remains to be a positive trigger in my life.
  • Finally, a better version of myself. Or at least I’d like to think there were improvements. Less anxiety, zero expectations, no worries, no pressure. Amen to that.
Happy new year everyone! Cheers!      


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